New Moon in Pisces

Release, Flow, Dream, Welcome

“…Remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure…” Oprah Winfrey

I find myself in a busy train station, where the air hums with movement, the scent of coffee mingles with the metallic tang of the rails, and emotions flicker across faces—anticipation, farewell, quiet determination. People surge forward, purposeful yet fleeting, some disappearing into tunnels, others lingering as if reluctant to step onto the next platform.

A Journey Through Transition

When I move with the crowd, I feel the rhythm of it—the push and pull of a shared journey, each of us weaving in and out, splitting off when the moment calls, merging again with new companions. Some transitions are expected, others catch me off guard, but the current carries us forward all the same.

A Bittersweet Season of Endings

This New Moon in Pisces stirs up the bittersweet season of endings—personal, collective, and everything in between. Let’s be honest: endings are rarely easy. We want to hold on, stretch time, keep both feet in the past while reaching for the future.

But life doesn’t work that way. At some point, we have to loosen our grip, release what no longer feeds us, and trust that new possibilities will take root.

This calls for a softer touch, a drifting mind—space to notice what’s weighing us down.

Let go or be dragged has become my motto.
I’ve been dragged plenty, mistaking sheer tenacity for loyalty, and persistence for wisdom. Sometimes, we cling to what we have, not because it serves us, but because we fear what might take its place.

Space Isn’t Emptiness—It’s an Opening

But here’s the thing: space isn’t emptiness. It’s an opening. A pause before renewal.

  • Trust that all is well, even in loss, even in sadness—especially when we act with integrity.

  • Let yourself dream, let your imagination stretch beyond the known.

  • Have compassion, for yourself and for those around you.

We’re all feeling the weight of transition. But as we surrender to life’s current, moving with it instead of against it, we begin to dissolve into something greater than ourselves.

And that? That’s the true medicine for sorrow.

The Astrology of This New Moon

This New Moon arrives on February 27, 2025, at 6:44 CST, landing at 9°40’ Pisces—a moment thick with transition. Saturn and Venus drift through Pisces at 20°-24°, while Neptune and the North Node linger at 28°, stirring up a deep current of mutable energy.

Pisces, a water sign that dissolves boundaries and merges everything it touches, reminds us that surrender is not weakness—it’s power in motion.

Yet, Jupiter—the planet of expansion, growth, and big-picture wisdom—is squaring all these Pisces placements, most intensely Saturn. This tension signals a parting of ways—a break from what no longer aligns with your higher path and a realignment with your deeper integrity.

Uncertainty may be in the air, but that’s just part of the process. When the ground beneath you shifts, pause. Reflect. Let quiet moments reveal the next step.

How to Honor This New Moon

The themes of this New Moon echo throughout the chart—astrologers look for repeating patterns, and this one is clear:

Let go. Recalibrate. Trust the flow.

The best way to honor this lunation?

  • Find stillness.

  • Step away from distractions.

  • Let your thoughts drift, like leaves on a slow-moving stream, until clarity surfaces.

Release what no longer fits. Make room for the next version of your life, just in time for the astrological New Year at the Aries New Moon next month.

A New Chapter Awaits

New Moons always mark fresh starts—the perfect time to set intentions and decide what you want to cultivate.

After the dust settles, take a moment to tune in—especially to the area of your natal chart where this New Moon lands.

A new chapter is opening. Where will it take you?

Setting Intentions for the Pisces New Moon

First, look at your Rising Sign/Ascendant Sign/Sign of the cusp of your first house (whole sign system), then your Sun sign, Moon sign, and blend the meanings appropriate to your unique circumstances.

If you don’t know your rising sign, send me a message and ask for a free natal chart with a description of the houses in your chart. If you are looking at a chart in Placidius or other quadrant based house system, if your ascendant degree is higher than 9°, look at the next sign in this list for accuracy. Feel free to message me with any questions.

Aries Ascendant

This New Moon lands in your twelfth house, which governs spirituality, the subconscious, and hidden influences. You may gain an understanding of previously puzzling past experiences or emotions that have shaped your interactions with others. Consider setting intentions to release anything holding you back—especially buried fears or unresolved feelings. You may experience this as waves of emotion crashing over you. It is important to allow yourself time and to have compassionate self-care practices to help you allow these old influences to process out of your psyche. If you allow this deeply moving process to occur, you can hope for greater inner peace arriving soon. If you try to hold on and block yourself from experiencing these emotions and memories, you may have consequences for your physical or mental health. There may be friction at this time involving siblings, peers, or your local community, which you must learn how to navigate and determine what is most important to you. The best way is through, allowing the waters of Pisces to wash away what needs to go.

Taurus Ascendant

The eleventh house represents friendships, social and business groups, and long-term aspirations. With this Pisces New Moon emphasizing release and compassion, this may be the perfect time to set intentions for releasing affiliations that no longer feel pertinent and building connections that align with your future goals. Seek out new friendships where you feel invigorated. You may decide to restructure your financial expectations to better support the life you are building.

Gemini Ascendant

This New Moon in Pisces shines a light on your tenth house of career, reputation, and life purpose, potentially opening doors for growth and new opportunities. Consider setting intentions for positive career changes—especially those that align more closely with your true calling. How can you innovate or embrace fresh, progressive ideas in your work that truly reflect the dream you hope to achieve? By releasing some responsibilities or self-expectations, you may create more freedom in your professional life. Take valuable time to consider your current identity and drive so that you can resolve any differences between that and your public standing in the world.

Cancer Ascendant

The Pisces New Moon in your ninth house brings a focus on philosophy, higher education, travel, and cultural exploration. Now is the time to set intentions that broaden your horizons—whether through innovative learning, deepening your personal philosophy, or engaging in humanitarian efforts. You may decide to make time and save funds for long-distance travel or higher education. Upon reflection, you may also uncover hidden fears or gain clarity about subconscious beliefs that disrupt your peace of mind. If something in your life is ending, trust that it’s meant to go. As unsettling as it may feel, if you surrender with faith, you will better recognize the new growth coming over the horizon.

Leo Ascendant

This New Moon highlights your eighth house, which governs shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. Major transits in this house can bring feelings of vulnerability, but they also offer deep growth. Consider setting intentions to be more open-minded in joint financial or emotional endeavors—especially those that involve shared investments, relationships, or mutual commitments. If outdated beliefs, behaviors, or investments exist, now is the time to release them. You may experience tension between friendships or affiliations and intimate partners that will require you to deeply think about how to most authentically show up in both types of bonds. There is a possibility that you discover that you no longer embrace a worn-out dream you have held for a very long time. Back to the drawing board, with gusto!

Virgo Ascendant

The New Moon in Pisces in your seventh house brings new energy to personal and professional partnerships. This is an excellent time to honestly reflect upon your actions in these relationships, and also make sure that you are honest and fully participating in these partnerships. Think about ways to expand your creativity and loyalty in these connections. You may want to set intentions for strengthening relationships with your spouse, business partners, or trusted advisors such as lawyers, doctors, or coaches. Meanwhile, tension may arise regarding how you balance the importance of your career or life purpose and your partner. This may leave you feeling temporarily unsteady. Allow yourself time to adjust to what is true now.

Libra Ascendant

This Pisces New Moon energizes your sixth house, bringing opportunities for reflection and adjustments in your daily routines, work habits, health, and responsibilities. It’s a great time to set intentions for finding inspiration to enliven these areas of your life and removing anything that you are doing only because “it’s always been done by me”. You may bring innovative ideas into your daily work that improve your overall balance. Jupiter’s influence this month could tempt you to take on more than you can handle by introducing tension between supporting your daily life authentically and surprises in the areas of long-distance travel, legal matters, or higher education. Take time to reflect upon all of the ways that you spend your time and how you can make the most of it!

Scorpio Ascendant

This New Moon lights up one of the most joyful areas of your chart—your fifth house of romance, creativity, and children. Now is a wonderful time to reflect upon your relationships with children and the way you interact romantically, and then set intentions for opening your heart, embracing romance, or infusing more creativity into your life. This lunar phase may also bring tension between these areas of your life and the affiliated areas of intimacy and shared resources. While some changes may feel disruptive, embracing them with a constructive mindset will help you build a stronger future.

Sagittarius Ascendant

The Pisces New Moon brings fresh energy to your fourth house of home, family, and personal roots. You may find yourself in hermit mode at this time. It is a great time to reflect upon your supporting structures - home, family, and history. You also may find yourself having to work out an adjustment in the way you balance your energy between your partner and the rest of your family as you may be over-committed in one or both of these areas and need to re-align your focus. Take care to take your time and discover how to show up most authentically in all of your foundational relationships.

Capricorn Ascendant

This New Moon in Pisces energizes your third house of communication, learning, and local connections, bringing fortunate interactions with siblings, peers, or your immediate environment. Consider setting intentions to expand your knowledge, improve relationships in your community, or engage more deeply in local activities. You may discover a way to open up some time in your daily schedule. Embrace the changes and allow them to bring you greater clarity about what aligns with your life now.

Aquarius Ascendant

This New Moon highlights your second house, bringing opportunities for financial growth and stability. It’s an excellent time to reflect on your vision of financial security and set intentions to increase your income, make solid investments, or work toward long-term financial goals. You might have to resolve some shifts connected with romance, relationships with children, or personal passions. You may need to say “no” to some fun parts of your life so you can more fully say “yes” to other parts that are more valuable to you.

Pisces Ascendant

Since this New Moon is in your sign, it falls in your first house—governing your identity, personal expression, and vitality. This is a powerful time to quietly discern what you truly want and define any changes that have shifted how you interact with the world. Set intentions related to self-discovery, authenticity, and aligning your outer identity with your inner truth. You may find it is time to redefine your role within your family, or possibly consider moving homes from a place you have identified with for some time, making you feel momentarily unsettled. However, these shifts are likely to pave the way for exciting new beginnings. Release what no longer serves you and trust the process.

What to do during this monthly lunar cycle?

  • 2.27.2025 - New Moon - Set goals and intentions for this month, especially in the area of life where the New Moon is happening in your chart. Record these thoughts.

  • 3.6.2025 - 1st Quarter Moon - Things will begin to come into focus so that you can act on your goals and ideas. Revise any actions from the last week as needed.

  • 3.14.2025 - Full Moon - Take stock and review all progress toward this lunation’s goals. How are you feeling about what you have planned and achieved?

  • 3.22.2025 - Last Quarter Moon - Assess and adjust, making any changes that may need to be made to your goals and work. Consider goals for the next new moon in Pisces.


New Moon in Aquarius